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Guanajuato Maintains Its 5th Place as an Exporter Nationwide

According to the Coordinadora al Fomento del Comercio Exterior (COFOCE), Guanajuato maintains its fifth place as a national exporter, ahead of Tamaulipas. From January to June 2024 alone, 36 exporting municipalities were registered, adding one more than in the first quarter of the same year.

In terms of exports, the state continues to be the leading non-border exporting state. It registered a total of 20,493 million dollars, which represents a variation of 18.01% compared to the same period last year.

A total of 1,651 companies with foreign trade activities were registered and the municipalities that exported the most were Silao, Celaya, Salamanca, Apaseo el Grande, Irapuato, Leon, San Jose Iturbide, Allende, Cortazar, and Dr. Mora.

Guanajuato once again demonstrates that it is a fertile field for the internationalization of MSMEs, which represent the majority of the companies on the state's export list with 80 percent during the first half of 2024.

Breakdown of sector exports:

  • Industries: 90.3%.

  • Agri-food: 6.6%.

  • Fashion: 2.5

  • Construction: 0.4% Handicrafts: 0.3% Handicrafts: 0.3% Handicrafts

  • Handicrafts 0.3%.

Main export destinations

  1. United States
  2. Canada
  3. Colombia
  4. Brazil
  5. China