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Sweet Home Alabama
Alabama is increasingly taking a leading role in the U.S. manufacturing industry. In recent years, hundreds of technologically advanced manufacturing companies from all over the world have established themselves in the state, benefiting from the economic and tax regime and labor laws that favor international printing and manufacturing investments. In particular, in Alabama the tax burden is one of the lowest in the country (source: Federation of Tax Administrators) and the State offers incentives for start-ups and the most economical industrial rates for electric energy.
The two main sectors that have seen the greatest growth from the point of view of product investments are the automotive and aerospace sectors.
Automotive sector: In Alabama there are international automotive plants such as Mercedes-Benz, Honda and Hyundai, Toyota, whose production is mainly destined to the North American market. A large network of suppliers of different levels (Tier 1, 2, 3) has been developed. The State is the fifth largest producer of automobiles and light trucks at national level and is the central hub of the Southeastern automotive industry. L'occupazione nel settore parti e componentistica automotive (Code NAICS 3363) in Alabama è salita a 24.000 addetti nel 2014 (Fonte: Bureau of Labor Statistics). Le esportazioni di veicoli e componentistica dell'Alabama hanno raggiunto i $7,3 miliardi USD nel 2014. (Source: International Trade Administration, TradeStats Express).
Automotive production in Alabama began in 1997, with the Mercedes-Benz M-Class model assembled in Vance. Since then, more than 8.2 million cars and light trucks have been produced in Alabama. In 2014, Honda, Hyundai and Mercedes-Benz produced a total of 994,902 vehicles in Alabama, setting the state's all-time auto production record. Always in 2014, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai have set another record, the one related to the number of engines manufactured: 1.67 million. Toyota Alabama is the only Toyota engine factory worldwide that produces 4-cylinder V6 and V8 engines. Alabama is ranked second overall in the annual "Automotive Manufacturing Strength Ranking" by Business Facilities Magazine (August 2015).

Aerospace: Alabama is home to more than 300 aerospace and defense companies, including more than 50 parts and components manufacturers (NAICS Code 336400). L'occupazione nel settore aerospaziale e componentistica è cresciuta, negli ultimi anni, toccando quota 12.300 nel 2014 (Fonte: Bureau of Labor Statistics). Companies such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin have been present in Alabama for more than 50 years and the State is also selling the first American Airbus facility for the production of jetliners. Final assembly and production of Airbus A320 aircraft officially began in September of last year. Exports of aircraft, vehicles and aerospace equipment amounted to over $651 million USD in 2014. (Source: International Trade Administration, TradeStats Express) Alabama's aerospace industry has been an integral part of federal industrial defense programs for more than 50 years. Alabama is home to hundreds of companies in the aerospace, aeronautics and defense sectors that have benefited from international institutional investment. The aerospace, aeronautics and defence sectors include OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), but also companies at different levels of the subforniture chain, including component manufacturers, engineering services, technical supplies, research and development, and MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) or maintenance, repair and overhaul. In addition to exports of aircraft, space vehicles and spare parts, which have generated significant revenues for the State, Alabama was also the recipient of more than $8.9 billion USD from the Department of Defense for strategic support in 2014.