The Italian Trade Commission Canada proudly presents The… More
Again this year we can say that "…the barometer for woodworking and furniture industry machinery and plants keeps pointing to nice weather". We used the same expression at the end of 2017, which closed with 11.6 percent growth over 2016, and we are repeating it this year to tell you about an excellent 9.5 percent growth recorded by production in the past twelve months…
On 6 June 2013, at Verdellino-Zingonia, CESAP hosted the annual meeting of Assocomaplast (the Italian trade association belonging to Confindustria, which groups together some 160 manufacturers of machinery, moulds and equipment for plastics and rubber).
The association's president, Giorgio Colombo, opened his presentation by confirming the dates of the upcoming PLAST trade show, which is…
Assocomaplast (the Italian trade association belonging to CONFINDUSTRIA, which groups together some 165 makers of machinery, molds and equipment for plastics and rubber) has issued its report on the sector's performance in 2012 – based also on the Italian National Institute of Statistics - ISTAT foreign trade statistics.
Even more than in the past – and more markedly than in other Italian…
Amafond, the trade association of Italian equipment manufacturers and suppliers to the metalcasting industry, on the occasion of the 12th edition of the GIFA Show (June 28 - July 2, 2011), published a new directory of its members. "Italian Foundry Technology Machinery & Products Directory, a 176-page volume, heavily bound and in full color, is available upon request to foundries and…