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Safety & Market Surveillance Package: a milestone to machinery compliance? As a long-time promoter of effective and efficient market surveillance, the European machinery industry warmly welcomes the European Commission's Package presented on February 13, 2013, yet calls for more ambitious measures in order to tackle the challenge of non-compliant machinery in the Internal Market. "The…
ASSAGO, ITALY  -- Italian plastics and rubber machinery makers expect to produce 4.2 billion euros ($5.5 billion) in equipment this year, with exports of 2.6 billion euros ($3.45 billion), according to Italy's plastic and rubber machinery association Assocomaplast. The association examined imports and exports from the first nine months of the year and found that exports increased 9…
According to statistics provided by the association, Assocomaplast, Italian imports and exports for the sector recorded new gains in the first half of 2012 with respect to the same period in 2011. Italian exports for the sector, marked a substantial increase (+11%) exceeding 1.23 billion euros overall. This has produced measurable improvement in the balance of trade, which has reached…
For the italian woodworking machinery manufacturers, 2011 was characterized as reflecting a significant recovery. According to the preliminary figures processed by the Italian woodworking machinery manufacturers' association, ACIMALL, production amounted to 1,699 million euros - a stark increase of 10.2 % compared to the previous year. Italian exports in 2011 amounted to 1,278 million…
According to recent statistics from Istat, the Italian Statistical Agency, elaborated by Unacea, a newly formed association representing the Italian construction equipment industry, Italian exports of construction machinery and equipment grew by a stunning 23% with respect to the previous year.   For 2011, the total value of the Italian export of construction machinery and  …