The AEF will hold for the first time a plugfest, accompanied by several meetings, in Reggio Emilia, Italy. The event is organized with the strong help of the Italian association of agricultural machinery manufacturers, Unione Nazionale Costruttori Macchine Agricole (UNACOMA). It will take place September 20-23, 2011 at the Fiere di Reggio Emilia. One event of particular note is the International Seminar “How mechatronic technologies will change our future life” taking place on the first day of the event (Sept. 20).
About AEF
On October 28th 2008 seven agricultural equipment manufacturers and two trade associations set up the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) with the aim of creating an independent international body for the industry. The AEF focuses the resources and knowledge of its members toward enhancing the use of electronics in the farming sector. From the beginning a number of important subjects surrounding ISOBUS and control system safety have been addressed. The international, industry wide AEF is open to everyone who is interested in the electronics field and its financing is underwritten by the foundation members. Around 50 companies, associations and other organizations have already signed up and are active within the AEF framework.