According to Takashi Yamazaki, president of Mazak, in recent years many North American companies that established facilities in South Asia or China are returning to North America, either the United States or Mexico.
Yamazaki stated that this is not only a trend of U.S.-based companies, but also of Japanese companies that set up their factories in China and are moving their operations to Mexico.
Andreas Haimer, president of the Haimer Group, said that the Mexican market has a lot of potential.
He explained that important industries such as automotive, aerospace and molds work in Mexico, and added that it is key for companies with production in Mexico to invest in the future because costs are going to increase worldwide.
Finally, Karina Suárez, commercial and marketing vice president of Hi-Tec Group, said that the industry in Mexico is changing and the demand coming into the country requires moving to a new level.
"Industrialists understand the urgency of using technology; for example, not all automation solutions are within everyone's reach due to their cost, but industrialists are interested in learning about them," he said.
He pointed out that two of the regions in Mexico that have shown interest in automation are Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez due to the relocation of companies from the United States.