The first edition of MECHA-TRONIKA, the fair of intelligence for the industrial production recently completed its successful run October 23-26 at the Fiera Milano trade show center in Milan, Italy.
MECHA-TRONIKA is a premier show dedicated to the systems and technologies able to optimize the machines, processes and systems management. Organised by EFIM-ENTE FIERE ITALIANE MACCHINE and FIERA MILANO, MECHA-TRONIKA is promoted by the official representatives of the sectors on display: AIDAM, Italian association of automation and mechatronics; ASSODEL, national association of electronic suppliers; IMVG - Italian Machine Vision Group, SIRI, Italian association of robotics and automation and UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, association of Italian manufacturers of machine tools, robots, automation.
The event opened on October 23rd with the inaugural meeting "MECHA-TRONIKA shows the intelligence". Opened by the greetings of Luigi Galdabini, President of EFIM-ENTE FIERE ITALIANE MACCHINE, and Michele Perini, President of FIERA MILANO, the meeting moderated by Ezio Zibetti, publishing manager of Tecnologie Meccaniche, saw the intervention of Alessandro Torsoli, President of AIdAM, professor of automative production systems and industrial technologies at Politecnico di Milano, Paolo Rocco, professor of electronics at Politecnico di Milano and Gianluigi Viscardi, President of Cosberg, a business leader in the field of mechatronics and automation.
About 180 companies took part in the exhibition: among them were producers and distributors of lines and machines for assembly, industrial robots, vision systems, measurement and control, software and hardware for systems and products development (PLM), logistics, engineering, safety devices, subcontracting, services related with mechatronics and automation.
One-third of the exhibitors present came from outside of Italy, representing: Canada, China, South Korea, Croatia, France, Germany, Japan, Ireland, Israel, Poland, United States, Switzerland, and Taiwan.
The solutions proposed on a total exhibition space of 8,000 square meters were applicable to almost all the industrial sectors: from automotive to metal processing machines and equipment, from electro-technic and electronic sectors to pharmaceuticals, from cosmetics to drugs, from food to packaging, from chemistry to plastics material, from optics to furniture components, from transport to telecommunications.
"With MECHA-TRONIKA - said Luigi Galdabini President of EFIM-ENTE FIERE ITALIANE MACCHINE - we aimed to satisfy the need, together with FIERA MILANO, of all those sectors related to mechatronics for industrial purposes, which had been asking for a dedicated exhibition in Italy for a long time. For our exhibition we opted for the modern exhibition area of fieramilano, in the city that is the ideal centre for business, in order to guarantee the highest level of actractivity to the new project. The active participation of the representatives we created an exhibition that not only is a reference event for the sector industry but also a strategic moment for the updating and the deepening of topics of interest for theoperators and therefore for the progress of the automation industry.
"We welcomed with enthusiasm the birth of the project MECHA-TRONIKA - said Michele Perini, Chairman of Fiera Milano - and we promptly offered our collaboration to EFIM, a partner we have worked successfully with. The result has been an exhibition full of ideas in a crucial sector such as process optimization, ideal field for continuous innovation which competition is up to. Innovation is also what is required today from an important Fair such as Fiera Milano. MECHA-TRONIKA is part of the answer.
We provide our know-how, actractivness and centrality of our exhibition area and our international experience. Fiera Milano is a reality in China, Brazil, India, Russia, Turkey, South Africa and Singapore, countries where we hold about 80 professional exhibitions. Being present in these emerging non-EU markets is vitally important and Fiera Milano already is. Fiera Milano is available for the companies – first of all the Italian companies - which want to take advantage of our international network".
During the opening ceremony, Mecha-Tronika Awards were delivered: EFIM and FIERA MILANO promoters of the initiative awarded four students of Engineering at Politecnico di Milano for two studies carried out on the sector subject of the exhibition. Marco Seregni and Andrea Enrico Pellegatta, faculty memberf of the university's Management Engineering department, were awarded for the study “Mecha-Tronika una fotografia del settore”. Andrea Morelli and Andrea Nerelli, faculty members from the department for Mechanical Engineering, were awarded for the study “Progettazione delle macchine utensili: i vantaggi di un approccio meccatronico”, realized in partnership with Cosberg.
In handing over the Mecha-Tronika Awards, value of 2,500.00 euros each, Luigi Galdabini and Michele Perini have underlined the value of the initiative that is a way to introduce young people who are the future of the Italian companies, to the sector.
To this precise purpose the organizers of MECHA-TRONIKA with the contribution of its Scientific Committee have conceived OPEN ACADEMY, an area set up at the exhibition, which is a meeting and confrontation point between the world of business and the research world. Located at the very centre of the exhibition, the area hosts a detailed and qualified conference programme, provides B2B meetings between visitors, exhibitors, sector operators, and offers a detailed exhibition of protoptypes and industrial solutions with the support of universities, consortiums and research centres.
Generating shared knowkledge and instrument of innovation, OPEN ACADEMY is also the ideal place for start-ups to whom MECHA-TRONIKA pays special attention, particularly through CIS START-UP, an initiative promoted by CIS-Comitato Interassociativo Subfornitura (UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE and UNIONCAMERELOMBARDIA), and dedicated to "innovative Start-ups" which have distinguished themselves for their innovative solutions.
Furthermore, OPEN ACADEMY hosts COOPERATION EVENT, partnering event planned for the 24th and 25th October and organized by Finlombarda, in co-operation with Regione Lombardia, Consorzio SIMPLER and Enterprise Europe Network Italia, in order to boost bilateral meetings between businesses, universities, and international research centres. In addition to Cooperation Event there is DESK IMPRESA, an initiative promoted by Regione Lombardia, Comitato Interassociativo Subfornitura and Unioncamere which, with the help of experts in customs regulations, contracts, transport and logistics, provided a free specialist assistance in order to boost internationalisation of companies in Lombardy.
On the other hand, the concurrence with Vitrum, exhibition of machines for glass manufacturing, ensures a profitable synergy between the two exhibitions that will reward the visitors whom will be made possible to visit both events. Entrance to the exhibitions was free with compulsory registration either done online or directly at the show registration desk.
For additional information on the show and related event, contact the following at UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE:
Claudia Mastrogiuseppe, External Relations Directorate and Press Office, +39 0226 255299,mob.+393482618701 press [at] (subject: Information%20Request%20Via%20Machines%20Italia%20Web%20Site)
Massimo Civello, External Relations Directorate and Press Office +39 0226 255.266, [at] (subject: Information%20Request%20Via%20Machines%20Italia%20Web%20Site)
Raffaella Antinori, Technical Press Office, +39 0226 255244, [at] (subject: Information%20request%20via%20Machines%20Italia%20Web%20Site)