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BRIXIA PLAST S.r.l. is a designer and manufacturer of all components for the transformation of plastics, including screws, barrels, and related mechanical accessories. We have been in the industry for over 25 years, and for the last 10 years we have made a mark on the industry, better serving the needs of moulding companies by making the shift from mere supplier to actual partner of plastics moulders and providing them with a full range of services that is likely unique on the Italian market. Production: Screws Plasticizing barrels Nozzles for injection moulding machines

32.BI-MU To Anticipate And Meet The Recovery Of Investments 4.0 At Fieramilano Rho From 14 To 17 October 2020

A little more than two months are left to 32.BI-MU, the Italian event of reference for the world of machine tools, robotics and automation, on the scene from 14 to 17 October 2020 in the exhibition centre of fieramilano Rho. Promoted by UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, the Italian machine tools, robots and automation systems manufacturers' association, and organised by EFIM-ENTE FIERE ITALIANE MACCHINE, despite the particular context conditions, this year’s edition shows a good degree of participation by exhibitors, a wide technological index of products and a positive expectation of attendance.

Sustainability, Industry 4.0 and a new awareness for the industry, PRINT4ALL changes the date and will be held May 3-6 2022

Print4all: New Dates, Same Drive to Innovate Milan, 14 July 2020. Print4All changes date. The appointment is now in Fiera Milano (Italy) from 3 to 6 May 2022. The postponement of several European trade fair events dedicated to printing, which were originally slated to be held during these months concerned by the health emergency, has upset the international trade fair scene and the presence of other events at dates close to Print4All would have prevented some companies from properly deciding where to focus their attention and investments. For this reason, a new date was set for the event that

ITA Special Report: Covid-19 and B2B trade shows in the USA: demise or acceleration?

Italian manufacturing companies represent one of the major engines driving the country’s economic growth and development thanks to their ability to produce wealth and employment, make associated industries and services flourish and contribute to financial, economic and social stability. The Italian Trade Agency’s Chicago Office with this dossier intends to provide them with an overview about the current trends and virtual platforms available in the USA marketplace along with an orientation on the services offered by the Agency, so to afford them an ever-increasing number of opportunities to

The Conclusion Of The Negotiation On The New Global EU Mexico Agreement Has Been Announced

The recently announced novel agreement will replace the previous arrangement and represent the new institutional framework for relations between the European Union and Mexico. The treaty has an ambitious and particularly advanced structure which will probably be an example for negotiations with other Central and South American countries. It includes provisions on sustainable development and the effective implementation of the Paris climate agreements, the protection of human rights and political cooperation. It is also the first agreement that the European Union signs with a Latin American

Italian - Canadian, Cross Province, Multidisciplinary Ingenuity And Collaboration To Help Fight Covid 19

Dr. Francesco Donatelli, an Italian-trained Associate Professor at the Department of Anesthesia at the Montreal General Hospital was searching for help designing and manufacturing a non-invasive oxygen therapy hood, modelled on the helmets used by doctors in Italy, to treat the country’s devastating number of COVID-19 patients. The helmet used in Italy’s hospitals is made of lightweight, rigid plastic. It can be used for non-invasive ventilation and CPAP therapy (continuous positive airway pressure). Patients who wear the hood are still able to speak, drink and listen. Since the respiratory

Special Fee “Lamiera-EMO Milano 2021 ticket”, among the novelties for the next edition.

From 17 to 20 March 2021, at an earlier date compared with the previous editions, LAMIERA 2021 will be on the scene at Fiera Milano Rho. The event represents one of the most qualified international exhibitions dedicated to machine tools and cutting technologies, sheet metal forming and processing, as well as to automation, robotics and connectivity solutions for the industry that also allow energy and production streamlining of machinery, thus ensuring benefits even in terms of economic, environmental and social sustainability. Promoted by UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, the Italian machine tools

The General Commissioner for EMO Milano 2021 has been appointed: Luigi Galdabini will lead the organization of the world exhibition dedicated to the metalworking sector

Luigi Galdabini is the General Commissioner for EMO MILANO 2021, the world machine tool exhibition, which will be hosted at the Exhibition Centre of fieramilano Rho from 4 to 9 October 2021. The General Commissioner was appointed during the General Assembly of CECIMO, the European Association of Machine Tool Industries. Luigi Galdabini will have the task of supervising the organisation of EMO MILANO 2021, also participating in the promotion of the event through a roadshow of press conferences, which will reach the main capital cities of the world industry. Less than two years from the trade

Applications To Exhibit At 32.Bi-Mu Off To A Good Start. Ten Months Before The Debut, There Are Already Over 460 Exhibiting Companies. 7.5% Of Them Are New Exhibitors. Increasing Exhibit Surface Area.

Already 466 companies have sent their applications to exhibit at 32.BI-MU, the international exhibition of reference in Italy for the machine tool sector, held at fieramilano Rho from Wednesday 14 to Saturday 17 October 2020. It will document how the matching between manufacturing world and digital technologies is accompanying the development of the industry, also according to the new principles of circular economy. To date, the number of exhibiting companies has increased by 3.5% compared with the number achieved in December 2017 for the previous edition of BI-MU. The event will be at

EMO Milano 2021: Meet “The Magic World Of Metalworking” At FieraMilano Rho October 4-9, 2021

Undisputed leader in the scenario of the exhibitions regarding the sector, EMO represents the articulated world of metalworking in the best way, combining vision and innovation, as proven by the data of the previous Italian edition (EMO MILANO 2015), hosting 1,600 exhibiting companies, on an exhibit area of 120,000 sq. m. and registering over 155,000 visits of operators coming from 120 countries. Metal forming and metal cutting machine tools, production systems, enabling technologies, solutions for interconnected and digital factories and additive manufacturing will be among the products and