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State of the Industry Report: Fast and Slow Lanes in Foreign Trade for Italian manufacturers of machinery, equipment and moulds for plastics and rubber

Italian imports of plastics and rubber processing machinery racked up an impressive 23% increase in the first half of 2018 with regard to the same period in 2017. On the other hand, we must make us of fractions to describe growth in exports, evidencing the lacklustre performance heralded in the early months of the year. While still well into the black at over one billion euros, the balance of trade has bogged down somewhat, losing over 7%. This is the situation captured by the statistical studies centre of Amaplast based on foreign trade data published by ISTAT. The dynamism of purchases from

ITA once again will put the “I” in IMTS and IAMD

CHICAGO, September 10, 2018 - In order to highlight the substantial Italian participation at two major shows opening today in Chicago and to enhance the overall awareness of Italy as a top solution provider to the North American marketplace for advanced manufacturing machinery and technology solutions, the Italian Trade Agency, in partnership with three of Italy’s leading manufacturers associations, is conducting an advertising and promotion campaign at IMTS and is hosting an Italian Pavilion at IAMD. It will thus put an “I”, for Italy, in both shows. At the International Manufacturing

Italian LU-VE Purchases U.S. Manufacturer Of Heat Exchanger Coils Zyklus

Zyklus is a U.S. manufacturer of heat exchangers with a focus on commercial refrigeration, refrigerated transport and air conditioning. LU-VE produces heat exchangers, and ventilated products for the refrigeration, air conditioning and industrial process cooling markets and it has production facilities in Europe, Russia, China and India. The acquisition will allow LU-VE to make use of Zyklus' U.S. production facility in Texas and according to the Italian company. “The Zyklus facility will allow an important strengthening of the commercial presence of LU-VE Group in North America, where in the

US Craft Beer Market Grow As Sacmi Increases Its Market Share

USA beer brewing industry is worth over 108 billion dollars a year (of which 23.5 billion is generated by the emerging craft beer segment). In order to grow its market share in this sector, Sacmi took part in the 35th edition of Craft Brewers Conference & Brewexpo America, which was held in Nashville, Tennessee from 30 April to 3 May 2018. Sacmi had a 200 m2 exhibition area (booth 2715) where it featured its latest technology, including it integrated labelling and labelled bottle inspection range. After winning over producers worldwide (especially in the wine and beer sectors) with the new

“The World of AI: Actually, Italian” @EmTech Digital 2018

In the world of advanced manufacturing, also known as industry 4.0, the convergence of new advanced technologies such as the internet of things and tri-dimensional printing has been joined by an ever increasing number of elements related to artificial intelligence (AI). Italian researchers’ work has been duly integrated into the international scientific community, as well as within universities and public research institutes around the world. According to a January 2018 report from the World Bank, in the area of AI Italy is an internationally recognized source of research and development (R&D)

Italy Once Again Took The Spotlight At Maker Faire Bay Area 2018

A number of Italian makers along with the Italian Institute for Technology were showcased within the Italian Trade Agency’s country Pavilion at the 13th edition of Maker Faire Bay Area, which took place at the San Mateo Event Center in San Mateo, California from on May 18 to 20, 2018. The makers covered a wide gamut of offerings ranging from robots to wearables, from food technologies to the Internet of Things and to 3-D printing. Their intent was to forge new partnerships and promote their products and services with participants and visitors. “We were very excited to be part of Maker Faire

Italy Front And Center In The Move To Smart Manufacturing – Machines Italia Magazine

From consumer products to heavy machinery, technology provided by Italian companies is proving beneficial for North American manufacturers The impact of smart manufacturing is being felt far and wide—benefitting industries as diverse as consumer products and heavy machinery. Nothing short of revolutionary, the vast improvements in manufacturing involve mastering automation, big data and robotics, in particular. Front and center in this new industrial revolution is manufacturing technology provided by Italian companies. In this (2018) edition of Machines Italia Magazine we provide a few

Italian Technology On Display At Pack Expo International 2018

The Italian Trade Agency ICE and its partner association, UCIMA, the Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers' Association, will be present at the Pack Expo International, from October 14 to 17 2018, In Chicago, IL, with two pavilions. The ITA/UCIMA pavilions, booth # 7820, located in the Upper Lakeside Center Building, will feature 17 Italian packaging technology firms. As well as supporting the Italian exhibitor companies, the ITA and UCIMA will provide Pack Expo International’s visitors with information on upcoming events and initiatives, in Italy and throughout the USA, which are aimed at

Italy Once Again Will Put The “I” In IMTS 2018

IMTS 2018 is the 32nd edition of the premier manufacturing technology show in North America. 2,000 exhibiting companies will occupy 1,3 million net square feet of exhibit space at the McCormick Place complex in Chicago, Illinois from September 14 to 19, 2018. IMTS is held every even-numbered year in Chicago and attracts more than 114,000 buyers and sellers from over 112 countries. Being one of the world's leading show for capital good technologies and machinery, this year Machines Italia a project of the Italian Trade Agency will have representatives at IMTS with Italy's, , UCIMU-SISTEMI PER

Italian Packaging Machinery Industry Races Ahead As Turnover Reaches €7.19 Billion

According to data collected by the research department of UCIMA, the packaging machinery industry, one of the most dynamic Italian manufacturing sectors, recorded a solid 8.9% growth in 2017, with a turnover exceeding €7 billion (€7.19 billion). Export sales totaled €5.7 billion in 2017 (79.1% of the total production), 7.5% up from 2016. The sector continues to stand out for its strong international presence, with Italian companies competing head-to-head with their German counterparts in all global markets. One machine out of every five sold worldwide is made in Italy. The sector’s trade