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Baschild - Drying Technologies

Baschild is a multinational company, renowned in timber drying industry and providing five product lines: drying kilns (traditional or with tunnel loading), pre-drying kilns, high temperature kilns (for timber thermo-treatment), steaming chambers and control systems. Kilns and controller are designed and built in a unique facility in Italy, according to four guidelines: mechanical quality, quick drying, energy saving and tailor-made solutions.

XYLON Becomes a founding member of the Furniture Supplier Magazines' Association

13 well known woodworking and furniture supplier magazines who met in Istanbul by the sponsorship of Intermob 2010 trade fair, founded an organization called FSM (for International Woodworking & Furniture Supplying Magazines) on 17th October 2010. The board consists in five members: Zeki Yücel, Mobilya (Turkey); Luca Rossetti, Xylon (Italy); Richard Barth, Material Technick Mebel (Germany); Carlos Castelo, L'Echo des Bois (Belgium); Eduardo Kiss, Mobile Fornecedores (Brasil). In the first meeting, after the voting process, Zeki Yücel (Turkey) and Luca Rossetti (Italy) are elected respectively