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brembo nearshoring
The expansion, which began in 2021, will allow Brembo to double the factory's production and will improve all stages of the aluminum Calipers production process, from casting to manufacturing and assembly, creating 500 jobs by 2027 in this process. This 30,000 square meter plant expansion, located in the Pocket Park Escobedo Industrial Park, will help Brembo meet its goal of making six million…
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Production | systems | industrial
Metal mechanics includes industrial machines and tools for the manufacturing, construction, automotive and mining industries, among others, with metal and iron alloys being the basic input for production. Metal mechanics transforms the raw material from metals to obtain sheets, wires, plates, in order to obtain spare parts, auto parts for vehicles, radio receivers, nuts, for different sectors…
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Production | systems | industrial
Metal mechanics includes industrial machines and tools for the manufacturing, construction, automotive and mining industries, among others, with metal and iron alloys being the basic input for production. Metal mechanics transforms the raw material from metals to obtain sheets, wires, plates, in order to obtain spare parts, auto parts for vehicles, radio receivers, nuts, for different sectors…
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ecommerce logistics
Having theability to ship and transport merchandise efficiently is essential for an e-commerce company to achieve the success it desires, as this will be the key to reducing operating costs and improving customer satisfaction, because without a good supply chain strategy, it will be difficult to attract new potential users and achieve growth objectives. For this reason, logistics should not be…
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ecology | international
The event - which from April 26 to 28 showcased the offer of 120 exhibitors specialized in solar energy, storage, environmental technology and circular economy, and was visited by some 7,000 attendees, including national and international professional buyers - highlighted the need to make the necessary changes in order to have clean energy. Bernd Rohde, CEO of Italian German Exhibition Company…
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During the award ceremony for the competition to accelerate the development of SAFs, held at the Mexico Aerospace Fair, Guillaume Gressin , international vice president of strategy and commercial operations for Airbus Latin America, said that, with the challenge of decarbonization, the good news is that there are solutions and among those solutions are sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). "And the…
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nearshoring auto parts investment
The National Auto Parts Industry (INA) announced that the auto parts sector has positioned itself as the main recipient of investments in Mexico due to nearshoring and that investments for 15 billion dollars have been announced for 2023. This relocation of investments corresponds to 37% of auto parts manufacturing, 18% furniture, 15% machinery and tools, another 15% electronics and appliances, 8…
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investment economy
At the 12th edition of the BBVA Latin America Conference, the Undersecretary of Finance, Gabriel Yorio, informed that Mexico has capitalized 16.4 billion dollars in foreign investment during the first quarter of 2023, thanks to its strategic location, skilled labor force and access to foreign trade. Also, during his participation, he explained that the Securities Market Law and the Investment…
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According to the document "Conociendo la industria de dispositivos médicos", prepared by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) and the Asociación Mexicana de Industrias Innovadoras de Dispositivos Médicos (AMID), three economic activities have been identified in Mexico that reflect the economic behavior of this industry. The first is the manufacture of disposable material for…
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Mexico - USA International Trade
The borders shared by Mexico and the United States are vital in their processes, as they are a gateway to global consumption, through 56 international bridges that cover the entire territory between both nations, across 10 states, four of which are located on the U.S. side, corresponding to California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, and the remaining, on the Mexican side, in Baja California,…