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In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity has become an unavoidable priority for organizations. With cyber-attacks on the rise in a complex threat landscape, an organization must respond quickly and be prepared to act in all situations.


Proofpoint's Data Loss Landscape 2024 report statistic revealed that 85% of organizations will experience at least one data leakage incident in 2023, highlighting the urgency of staying protected. This reality underscores the importance of implementing effective cybersecurity measures to safeguard the integrity of information and digital assets. 


For Juan Garrote, Director of Services at NTT DATA, keeping solutions up to date while monitoring them 24 hours a day, seven days a week, is a challenge for all companies, regardless of whether they are large or small; however, being better prepared will allow preventing and having a better response to current threats.


"Ultimately, staying protected against cyber attacks is not only a matter of business survival, but also a strategy to ensure operational continuity and customer confidence. Keeping solutions up to date and constantly monitoring, although challenging, is essential to prevent and respond effectively to today's threats," highlighted Garrote. 


He further stressed that implementing measures such as SOCaaS, vulnerability management, SOC OT, security incident response and security device management, provides organizations with a robust and proactive defense. "With these strategies, companies can mitigate risks and have the technical expertise and knowledge needed to make informed decisions, thus ensuring a more secure and trusted digital environment."