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State of the Industry Report 2020: UCIMU: On an annual basis, machine tool orders dropped by 18.6% in 2020 versus 2019

Cinisello Balsamo, 21 January 2021 The overall outcome is affected by the negative performance of the domestic market, as well as by the weakness of foreign demand. In particular, the collection of orders on the domestic market registered a 28% downturn compared with the fourth quarter of 2019. The absolute value of the index was 123.9, thus still very high despite the reduction. On the foreign front, orders decreased by 14% compared with the period October-December 2019. The absolute value of the index was 78.7. On an annual basis, the total index marked an 18.6% fall compared with the

Clone of Los tiempos que corren....México

Covid-19 has affected everyone and did not spare the manufacturing industry. Surprisingly, however, many companies have adapted to these changing circumstances realizing that evolution is and always has been the only constant in their line of business. Mexico, with a territorial extension of more than 1.9 million km2, is the fourteenth largest country, and is strategically positioned as a gateway to the North American, Central and South American markets. Its Federal Republic is made up of 32 states, with high concentrations of economic activities within its three main metropolitan areas

Times They Are Changing….Mexico

Covid-19 has affected the whole world and it did not spare the manufacturing industry. However, surprisingly, many companies have adapted to these changing circumstances by understanding that evolution is and always has been the only constant in their line of business. Mexico, with a land mass of over 1.9 million km2, is the fourteenth largest country in size, and is strategically positioned as a gateway to the North America and Central and South America markets. Its Federal Republic consists of 32 states, with high concentrations of economic activities within its three major metropolitan

Machines Italia Post Covid-19 Manufacturing Study

Machines Italia in partnership with SME, conducted its “Post Covid-19 Survey” amongst 350+ USMCA companies in diverse industries asking them how they plan to do things differently in the Post Covid-19 manufacturing ecosystem. The following is one take away from the survey’s findings: “Respondents indicated that Sales is the most important during the recovery, post-COVID-19. Respondents from the Aerospace industry indicated that Adjustment of Operational Processes is 45% more “Extremely/Very Important” than the study average (61% vs. 42%). Those from the Medical/Surgical/Dental industry were

State of the Industry Report 2020: Acimall: the third quarter of 2020

The figures for July-September 2020 clearly reflect what’s happening in this key segment of the Italian mechanical engineering industry. In general, the orders of machinery and tools for wood and furniture are recording a decreasing trend below expectations, which indicates a partial improvement of the economic situation compared to the previous quarters, strongly impacted by the lockdown. This trend indicates that the industry’s production system has identified the necessary countermeasures to carry on, within a context where the role of digital communication tools to support business is

Italian Textile Machinery: Orders Intake Drops In Second Quarter 2020

The index of orders intake for Italian textile machinery, as compiled by ACIMIT, fell by 47% for the period April-June 2020, compared to the same period in 2019, with orders falling both abroad and in Italy. A 44% decrease in orders was recorded in foreign markets, whereas the domestic market showed a 62% drop compared to the second quarter of the previous year. ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi commented, “The lockdown of production units in April heavily influenced the orders intake, and a deep concern remains for the upcoming months.” “On reopening, our manufacturers worked to process

UCIMU: Machine Tool Orders Fell in Second Quarter of 2020

As expected, there was again a decrease in the index of the orders collected by the Italian machine tool manufacturers in the second quarter of 2020. In particular, according to the data processed by the Economic Studies Department & Business Culture of UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, in the period April-June, the index registered a 39.1% downturn compared with the same period of 2019. The outcome was due both to the reduction in the orders collected by Italian manufacturers on the domestic market (-44.7%) and to the fall reported on the foreign market (-37.8%). This is the actual figure

Abrupt Downturn In The Orders Of Machine Tools In The First Quarter 2020

Massimo Carboniero, President of UCIMU: “Our factories are safe places and have reduced labor intensity. Therefore, we should have a green light to resume our production activities right away”. “Health and safety come first, but we should get used to living with Coronavirus, while at the same time guaranteeing work, employment, and production”. There has been a strong fall of the index regarding the orders collected by Italian machine tool manufacturers in the first quarter of 2020, in which an 11% decrease was registered in comparison with the same period of the previous year. This is

State of the Industry Report 2019: Italian textile machinery orders down for Q4 2019

The orders index for textile machinery drawn up by ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, for the period from October to December 2019, showed an 8% drop compared to the same period for 2018. The index value stood at 92.9 points (basis: 2015=100). Orders compiled by Italian machinery manufacturers were in negative figures both abroad and on domestic markets in Italy. An 8% slide was recorded abroad, with the absolute value of the index standing at 89.4 points. On the other hand, the drop in order collection on the domestic market stood at 7%, compared to the fourth

State of the Industry Report 2019: 4th Quarter shows a downturn for the machine tool market

Even in the last quarter 2019, the collection of machine tool orders highlighted a negative sign. In particular, in the fourth quarter 2019, the UCIMU index of machine tool orders registered a 16% downturn compared with the same period of the previous year. The absolute value of the index was 105.5 (base 100 in 2015). The overall outcome was affected both by the negative performance of the domestic market and by the weakness of foreign demand. In particular, the collection of orders in the domestic market showed a 21.2% fall compared with the fourth quarter of 2018. The absolute value of the