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State of the Industry Report 2019: Italian Textile Machinery Market

New orders for Italian machinery manufacturers were negative both in foreign markets and in Italy. Abroad, an 8% decrease was recorded, with an absolute index value of 98.9 points. The drop in domestic orders was even more pronounced, at -22% compared to the third quarter 2018. The absolute value of the index was 94.9 points. Alessandro Zucchi, president of ACIMIT, commented the market situation: "The orders index for the textile sector provides a true picture of the global market’s downsizing. Current geopolitical tensions are undermining the climate of trust for businesses that need to

Italian Packaging Machinery Sales Grow 9 Times Faster Than Italy’s GDP

Revenue generated by packaging machinery manufacturers sees further 9.4% growth to 7.85 billion euros. The strong growth both in Italy and in international markets confirms the Italian industry’s world leadership position.The Italian packaging machinery industry has confirmed its position as one of the most dynamic Italian manufacturing sectors. Ranked first in terms of share of total capital goods exports (24.4%), the industry consists of 631 companies located mainly along the Via Emilia, the road that runs from Milan to Rimini, with further manufacturing clusters located in the Piedmont

State of the Industry: Italian packaging machinery sales grow 9 times faster than Italy’s GDP

The Italian packaging machinery industry has confirmed its position as one of the most dynamic Italian manufacturing sectors. Ranked first in terms of share of total capital goods exports (24.4%), the industry consists of 631 companies located mainly along the Via Emilia, the road that runs from Milan to Rimini, with further manufacturing clusters located in the Piedmont, Veneto and Tuscany regions. In terms of technology and market share, the sector competes for the global leadership with Germany and accounts for a quarter of world machinery exports. The industry is seeing steady growth

State of the Industry Report 2019: Excellent Results in 2018 Confirmed by the Final Figures of Wood and Furniture Industry Technologies

The year 2018 was really good for wood and furniture industry technologies. The final figures processed by the Studies Office of Acimall, the Confindustria member association that represents industry companies, have driven up previous forecasts: 2018 closed with domestic production at 2.514 billion euro, up by 10.6 percent from the previous year. Definitely a significant result, the best in the past ten years, net of inflation, achieved with a first semester that was very positive on both the domestic and the export side, followed by a second half that basically maintained the same levels of

State of the Industry Report 2019: Italian textile machinery: first quarter orders in decline

The order index for Italian textile machinery carried out by ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, for 2019 January-March period ranging from January to March 2019 dropped 3% compared to the same period of the previous year. Italian textile machinery manufacturers thus recorded declining orders on foreign markets, where orders fell by 11%. On the domestic front, orders increased by 84% compared to the first quarter 2018. ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi commented, “The domestic market is experiencing a dynamic showing similar to late 2017. Investments in the

State of the Industry Report 2018: Woodworking Machinery - A positive year 2018 that encourages to loosen the knots of the future

2018 PRELIMINARY BALANCE Again this year we can say that "…the barometer for woodworking and furniture industry machinery and plants keeps pointing to nice weather". We used the same expression at the end of 2017, which closed with 11.6 percent growth over 2016, and we are repeating it this year to tell you about an excellent 9.5 percent growth recorded by production in the past twelve months compared to 2017. All economic variables analyzed by the Studies office of Acimall, the Confindustria association that represents industry companies, indicate that 2018 was another positive year

State of the Industry Report 2018 Woodworking Machinery: Consolidation In The Third Quarter 2018

The July-September period reaffirmed the current industry trend, characterized by consolidation after strong growth in 2017. After major investments in Italy and abroad in recent months, woodworking and wood-based materials companies finally have a new and updated fleet of equipment. As a result, the need to invest is now decreasing. This consideration is essential to analyze the results for the third quarter 2018 processed by the Studies Office of Acimall, the Confindustria member association that represents the manufacturers of machinery and plants. On the whole, figures indicate a slight

State of the Industry Report: Fast and Slow Lanes in Foreign Trade for Italian manufacturers of machinery, equipment and moulds for plastics and rubber

Italian imports of plastics and rubber processing machinery racked up an impressive 23% increase in the first half of 2018 with regard to the same period in 2017. On the other hand, we must make us of fractions to describe growth in exports, evidencing the lacklustre performance heralded in the early months of the year. While still well into the black at over one billion euros, the balance of trade has bogged down somewhat, losing over 7%. This is the situation captured by the statistical studies centre of Amaplast based on foreign trade data published by ISTAT. The dynamism of purchases from

State of the Industry Report 2018: Italian Wood-Furniture Technology: New Elements To Be Considered…

The climate of recent times, characterized by a consistent improvement of all indicators, could not last forever. So, here we are, packing up for the summer break, with some hints and reflections… starting from the first trend emerging in the second quarter of this year, namely the widespread slowdown of orders. The traditional quarterly survey by Acimall, the Confindustria member association, reveals a 9.9 percent decrease compared to the same period of 2017. Let's make it clear that the reference quarter was really one of the best, with significant growth rates, nevertheless we cannot let

Italian Textile Machinery State of the Industry Report 2017: Positive Growth Through Third Quarter

According to data elaborated by ACIMIT, the Association Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers for the period from July to September, the orders index for textile machinery has risen by 6% compared to the same period in 2016. The index has a value of 107.3 points (2010 basis = 100). In further detail, foreign markets have shown a 6% increase, with the index reaching a value of 119.4 points. As for Italy’s domestic front, the increase instead amounted to 8 %, with an absolute value for the index of 51.5 points. “Orders have continued their growth trend, making us confident that we will close