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Italian Plastic Machinery: State of the Industry Report 2012 - Exports Drive Improvements

Assocomaplast (the Italian trade association belonging to CONFINDUSTRIA, which groups together some 165 makers of machinery, molds and equipment for plastics and rubber) has issued its report on the sector's performance in 2012 – based also on the Italian National Institute of Statistics - ISTAT foreign trade statistics. Even more than in the past – and more markedly than in other Italian mechanical equipment sectors – production output was driven by exports, with an upward trend that, despite levelling off over the year, enabled Italian equipment manufacturers offset extremely weak domestic

Italian Textile Machinery: State of the Industry Report 2012

Orders of Italian textile machinery are on the rise for both the domestic and foreign markets. ACIMIT's President Sandro Salmoiraghi stated "What's needed now is to boost investments in capital goods and work together in foreign markets." Based on an industry study conducted by ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, during the fourth quarter of 2012, the orders index for textile machinery rose by 22% compared to the previous quarter, for an absolute value of 130.4 points. Even more significant was the increase with respect to the same period the previous year (+46%

OFFICIAL: Machines Italia / IndustryWeek Magazine Automation Survey 2012 Available Now!

During the fourth quarter of 2012, Machines Italia together with IndustryWeek magazine conducted its survey on the usage of automation in the manufacturing sector. This Survey had as its objectives the following: Examine the use of automation and robotics among manufacturers; Investigate the use of and perception of Italian machines; Determine future purchasing plans and the important factors and players in the decision-making process. The methodology was straight forward as IndustryWeek's Penton Research emailed invitations to participate in the online survey to the print subscribers of its

Italian Textile Machinery: State of the Industy Report 2012

Italy's association for textile machinery, ACIMIT, reported textile machinery orders for the third quarter of 2012 grew by eight percent (8%) over the previous quarter, for an absolute value of 108.2 points (2005=100). A comparison with the same period in 2011 showed an even greater increase (+53%), a positive result which is due solely to orders originating from foreign markets, whereas the situation in Italy highlighted a decidedly opposite and negative trend. In fact, orders from foreign markets rose 11% compared to the period from April to June 2012, for an absolute value of 123.3 points

Italian Printing, Graphic & Converting Machinery State of the Industry Report: 2012 Starts Strong

Italian exports of graphic, paper and converting machinery have increased by 4.82% in the first quarter of 2012. Imports are also showing an impressive + 9.94%. Such are the figures published by the Research Center of trade association ACIMGA based on Istat data. The same source reveals that the USA remains the first buyer of Italian machinery with a 68.8 % increase, followed by Germany and China – over the last quarter, the latter has doubled its orders. “We are relieved to see the plus sign in front of these figures, in sharp contrast with the general economic scenario, especially in

Italian Textile Machinery State of the Industry Report 1st Qtr 2012

For Italian textile machinery, 2012 begins with greater stability than the previous year. In fact, in the first quarter of the year, orders are up by a modest 2% compared to the last three months of 2011. According to joint surveys conducted by ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, the overall orders index for the January- March 2012 period shows an increase of 2% over the previous quarter with a value of 91.2 points. Nevertheless, there is a different trend between orders in Italy and those in foreign markets. In the Italian market, the index increased 34%

Brevini Wind USA's Jacopo Tozzi Speech at IndustryWeek's Best Plants 2012 Opening Reception

Brevini is a worldwide specialist in planetary technology. After 50 years of experience we developed a product range of gearboxes which goes from very small applications to >2,5 million N/m. We needed a new manufacturing location for the upper range (above 1 million N/M) where we could deploy the best possible technology. We focused on the wind market because it is one of the biggest for planetary applications. The US was, until two years ago, the biggest wind market in the world and there were plans for expanding the renewable sources ten folds by 2025. What a great chance for Brevini!!! We

Italian Textile Machinery State of the Industry Report 2011 - Production Increased in 2011

The value of Italian textile machinery production for 2011 registered a 9% increase compared to 2010, from 2.4 to 2.6 billion euros. A similar increase was recorded for exports (+10%), which reached a value of just over 2.1 billion euros. Exports remain the driving force behind the sector growth in Italy. The dynamism of major textile markets combined with the ability of Italian machinery manufacturers to assert themselves on a global scale, has contributed to sustaining Italian exports. Fully 25% of the sector's sales abroad are directed to China, with Asian markets generally accounting for

Italian Textile Machinery Exports Up 37% in 1st Q 2011

Exports of Italian machinery have risen 37% during the first quarter of 2011, compared with the same period last year, according to the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT). Compared with growth during 2010, the number of Italian exports has increased by 27%. Italian machinery manufacturers will be looking to build on this success at ITMA in September. Approximately 320 companies are expected to exhibit at the event across 20,000sq m or 25% of total space in terms of exhibitors and surface area. The Italian contingent comprises of 73 manufacturers from the spinning

Strong Numbers in 2010, Show A Postitive Outlook for Packaging Machinery Manufacturers in 2011

The 2010 figures reported by Italian packaging machinery manufacturers show that the industry has put the crisis firmly behind its back. The sector's turnover totalled 3,759 million euro at current prices, 16,4% up on 2009, when it slumped to 3,229 million euro. Last year's turnover even surpassed that of 2007 (3,610 million euro) and was not far short from the record figure of 3,827 million euro achieved in 2008. The excellent 2010 performance also enabled the Italian packaging machinery industry to strengthen its international leadership position and secure a 25,7% share of the world market