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Exciting News Alert - Italy in Canada! We're thrilled to announce the opening of GRAF Industries Inc. in North America! "Our targets for this commercial operation are high," says Gianfranco Ferranti, Chief Executive Officer of GRAF Synergy. "This ambition is part of our DNA shared with all the companies of the GRAF INDUSTRIES group. We always aim higher and raise the bar when we see the strong possibility to demonstrate our know-how and willingness to excel." GRAF Industries specializes in cutting-edge technology across various sectors. From GRAF Synergy's advanced machinery for windows and

Innovative Italian construction material patented

Researchers at ENEA - the Italian national agency for new technologies - have patented Bioaermac, an innovative insulating material for construction with multiple potentialities and characteristics that allow it to be exploited in other sectors as well. Bioaermac. In addition to having achieved high levels of thermal and acoustic insulation, resistance to fire and mechanical stimuli, the new insulating material is low cost. The experimentation of Bioaermac has been made possible thanks to the INNCED project (from the initials of "innovation in the use of chemical process waste for the

Aguascalientes inaugurates innovation center for aerospace sector

A center for industrial innovation in design and digital manufacturing for the Bajío aerospace sector (CIIA) was inaugurated on Tuesday in Aguascalientes, Mexico, to boost aeronautics companies in that country. The project involves the Government of the State of Aguascalientes, private companies and the Instituto Tecnológico de Aguascalientes on behalf of the academic sector. The new center joins the five already existing in Mexico to attract investments from private companies that will enable the strategic development of the aerospace sector, which already has a solid presence in states such

Aerospace industry, a strategic cluster for Mexico

The aerospace industry in Mexico has positioned itself in recent years as a strategic cluster for the country's economic development, currently operating in the country 267 companies that employ 34,000 workers in the manufacturing productive sector, located in 18 states. In an interview with Mexican Business Web, Carlos J. Bello, general director of the Mexican Federation of Aerospace Industry (FEMIA) said that in 2012 the industry accumulated approximately $1.3 billion dollars (mdd) in new investments, an amount that is expected to be obtained again this year, in addition to 17 new projects

INDUSTRY Packaging sector migrates to electric machines

Traditionally, machines for the packaging industry have been hydraulic. However, industrialists have realized that migrating to the use of electric machinery brings benefits in terms of lower energy consumption, maintenance and increased production. "Having recent generation machines increases production capacity because the previous machines were slower and were in maintenance for longer periods of time. Having new machines helps minimize maintenance costs by 50%, increases production time and, therefore, production capacity by 20%," said Luis Carvajal, Engineering Manager of Nypro Kanaak, a

Importance of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Business Sector

For a large number of companies, it is increasingly urgent to accelerate the pace in the incorporation of technologies and innovation strategies to their production and management processes, not only to ensure their growth but also, in principle, to ensure their permanence. However, it is not always evident that the implementation of new technologies and the development of infrastructure alone do not solve the problem. Those who determine the path to follow and achieve results are the people; that is why if we focus a good part of our attention and resources on their training and development

CONVERFLEX 2013: Salón Internacional máquinas y materiales para la industria de papel

International exhibition of machines and materials for the paper industry Converflex is one of the most important international trade fairs for the converting, packaging, printing and label industry. For more than 30 years, Converflex has been the meeting point for professionals in the sector looking for concrete solutions to develop their own business and establish lasting commercial relationships. More than 250 exhibitors will be present at Converflex, presenting all the latest news on material processing techniques, products, ideas and business development projects. Thanks to the

EU to invest 20 million pesos in national aerospace industry

As part of Promexico's Mexico-European Union competitiveness and innovation program (PROCEI), the European Community will invest 20 million pesos in Mexico to train 25 Mexican SMEs to obtain AS9100 aeronautical certification this year. Through the Aeronautical Testing and Technology Laboratory (Labta), SMEs in areas such as metal mechanics, electrical systems and even companies dedicated to composite or composite materials will be trained. "To help them quickly and achieve the goal, we are recovering the SMEs that have the capacity to make wonderful materials that the industry requires, that