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Automotive sector grows stronger in Mexico

The National Auto Parts Industry (INA) announced in its press conference that the production of auto parts in the country strengthened during the first quarter of the year, reaching a total of 31,194 million dollars, which represented a growth of 8% compared to the same period of the previous year.

The association also noted that in March 2024, Mexico surpassed the figure of US$10.5 billion in monthly production, setting an all-time record for any month of March. Consolidating the forecast of more than 126 billion dollars by the end of the year.

According to INA's CEO, Armando Cortés, electrical parts accounted for 19.42% of total production and highlighted their diversity, from transmissions and clutches to fabrics, carpets and automotive seats, as examples of the sector's dynamism.

In terms of employment, INA explained the significant impact that the auto parts industry has, with a monthly average of 869,000 people employed between 2019 and 2024, which positions the industry as one of the main drivers of the economy, contributing to the growth and development of the country.