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Machines Italia is pleased to report our attendance at FABTECH Expo 2024 in Toronto on June 12, 2024.

We had the opportunity to participate in this prestigious event, where we showcased the synergy between Italian ingenuity and Canadian machinery expertise.

At our exhibit, we highlighted leading Italian manufacturers like GASPARINI S.p.A., Manzelli by Liftstyle Srl, DAVI, alongside showcasing the utilization of Made in Italy equipment by esteemed Canadian distributors and users, such as NEWSTARK (made in Italy).

The event provided a platform to engage with industry professionals, explore the latest advancements in metalworking machinery and machine tools, and strengthen partnerships within the manufacturing community. Our team is grateful for the opportunity to have been part of such an enriching experience.

We look forward to continuing our commitment to excellence in the field of machinery and fostering collaborations that drive innovation and growth.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Machines Italia Canada Team!