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June 2015: New Record Car Sales
With 177,857 new cars on the road, June 2015 goes down in history as the month with the highest absolute sales volume in Canada.
According to data from the DesRosiers Automotive Consultants observatory, new car sales in June 2015 were up 1.2 percent from June 2014, or an increase of 2,179 new vehicles.
The record sales were generated by increased sales of light trucks and especially so-called pick-up trucks (pickup trucks), which at +11.5 percent more than offset the decline in passenger vehicle sales.
Light trucks accounted for more than 60 percent of vehicles sold in June 2015.
Fiat Chrysler tops the list of Canadian motorists' favorite brands with 27,217 followed by Ford with 26,776 vehicles and General Motors with 24,226.
Luxury models and brands recorded the largest increases and among them the best performances were recorded by Rover (+28.25), Acura (+27.6 percent) and Porsche (+25.9 percent).
In this regard, the province of British Columbia reconfirmed itself as "Canada's luxury leader" by absorbing 15 percent of the Canadian luxury car market.
Declining oil prices and consequently gasoline prices have driven both sales of light trucks and large luxury cars.