Italians serve as Editorial Board Members for the 26th Annual University of Bath and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Symposium on Fluid Power & Motion Control (FPMC 2013) October 6 – 9, 2013. Italian institutions such as the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia are sending professors Massimo Milani, part of the Department of Science and Methods for Engineering (also Chairman of Fluid Power Net International [FPNI]) and Roberto Paoluzzi. Italian organization IMAMOTER, a research institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) will also be on board as a part of the vanguard of associates serving as Editorial Board Members for the event.
The University of Bath Center for Power Transmission and Motion Control (PTMC) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Fluid Power Systems Technology Division (FPST) jointly sponsors this international symposium which holds value to all practitioners interested in innovative activities in the field of fluid power and motion control (FPMC 2013). The 2013 International Symposium should engross and be of value to all practitioners and researchers in the fluid power, power transmission and motion control community. The Symposium is held this year in the U.S at the Lido Beach Resort in Sarasota, Florida, being the third Bath/ASME Symposium held in the U.S in conjunction with ASME.
The last U.S Bath/ASME Symposium was held between October 31 and November 2, 2011 in Washington, DC, and it kickstarted the presence of the now worldwide reputation of the reputedly respected University of Bath. Thirty papers were presented in 2011 by academics from all over the world, as well as industrial contributions from Bosch-Rexroth, Moog and Caterpillar. This years symposium is still accepting paper abstracts for the Symposium on FPMC, with a deadline for abstract submission on March 29, 2013. Manuscripts range in topics from fluid power in teleoperation and haptics, to new approaches to system modeling and system design.
Stay tuned for more information on manuscripts and attendees through, or