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Machines Italia Celebrates The 11th Italian Technology Award Winners From North America
The Italian Technology Awards program is a competition that invites undergraduate and graduate students attending international universities to submit a paper or a research project on an array of relevant mechanical engineering subjects and in particular on innovations and challenges facing various manufacturing industries in their countries or globally. The aim of the program – now in its 11th year - is to enrich the engineering education of students and foster international collaborations and cooperation. The program is organized and sponsored by the Italian Trade Commission, in partnership with various industrial machinery and technology manufacturers associations in Italy as well as various schools, universities, colleges and institutions around the world.
Winners of the Italian Technology Awards (ITA) are awarded a one-week trip to Italy  and, depending on the specific award program and technology sector, students and selected faculty members will visit leading Italian technology and manufacturing companies and take part in advanced educational sessions at the Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC .  Return flight, meals, accommodation, participation in the educational sessions, logistics and transportation for the period above, for the winning students and faculty members, are covered by the Italian Trade Commission and its partner associations.  
The ITA 2017 educational trip to Italy is scheduled from November 5th to 11th, 2017.
ITA 2017 includes students and professors from Mexico, Canada, USA, Russia, Egypt, and Brazil from the following programs/sectors and partner associations:
IMTTA in collaboration with UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE (Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machine Tools, Robots, and Automation Systems & Ancillary Products),
IPTA is sponsored in conjunction with the Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association (UCIMA)
IGTA in conjunction with (GIMAV) the Italian Association of Glass-Processing Machinery and Accessory Suppliers.
ITA 2017 North American partners include the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) - USA/Canada and the University of Waterloo – Canada.
The list of the ITA 2017 awards recipients will soon be available on the ITA section of the Machines Italia web site.
For further information on this initiative, please contact info [at] (subject: Machines%20Italia%20E-newsletter)