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With 177,857 new cars on the road, June 2015 goes down in history as the month with the highest absolute sales volume in Canada. According to data from the DesRosiers Automotive Consultants observatory, new car sales in June 2015 were up 1.2 percent from June 2014, or an increase of 2,179 new vehicles. The record sales were generated by increased sales of light trucks and especially so-called…
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Six end users and intermediaries of agricultural machinery and technology will be part of a Canadian mission to Expo Milano 2015( The initiative, organized by ICE-Agenzia and FEDERUNACOMA(, Federazione Nazionale Costruttori Macchine per L'Agricoltura (National Federation of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers), aims…
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( International exhibition of industry and technology for manufacturing and machine tools. Monterrey, NL, February 2 - 4, 2016
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( International Building and Construction Industry Fair. Mexico City, October 13-17, 2015
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By November the first edition of the Machines Italian E-newsletters in English will be distributed, a communication and information tool aimed at North American companies operating in the 15 sectors covered by the project. The databases used to disseminate the newsletter contain the contact details of more than 3,000 contacts: end users, agents, distributors and operators who have been assisted…
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As part of its 2015 promotional activities, ICE-Agency will carry out intensive support activities for the Vitrum event, in cooperation with the Trade Association GIMAV-the Italian Association of Suppliers of Machinery, Accessories and Special Products for Glass Processing. Vitrum ( is the leading European event and one of the most important worldwide, dedicated to…
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U.S. agribusiness giant Cargill has released its development plans in the Latin American country for the next three years. The multinational is preparing to invest $7.2 billion (€6.4 billion) to purchase agricultural products and provide operational financing to Mexican farmers. The plan also calls for the expansion of the El Salto plant in the state of Jalisco. The company has been operating in…
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As of last April 2015, Canada eliminated all remaining customs duties on imports of industrial machinery and equipment and finished and semi-finished goods used in manufacturing processes. In addition to significantly reducing the cost of these (capital) goods, of which Canada is an importer because it does not have significant local production, the elimination of duties is expected to create 12,…
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Quebec is an important part of Canada's economy. About 20 percent of the country's GDP and nearly 30 percent of the manufacturing sector's GDP originates from the French-speaking province. Also located in Québec are major industrial hubs in aerospace, pharmaceuticals, food, agriculture, energy and natural resources. Given the importance of the province, Machines Italia Canada has decided in its…
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Machines Italia has reached and recently passed its 10th year of existence, and during this period it has put in place, in order to fulfill its mandate to promote Italian instrumental mechanics in North America, a plethora of communication, integrated marketing and multimedia initiatives, creating-or adapting, as needed-for each, advertising sketches, films, animations and creative materials in…