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Number of companies with recycling activities in Mexico increases 9%

During the Launching of the Results of the second Quantitative Study of the Plastics Recycling Industry in Mexico, held on the second day of the 9th Recyclers Forum, Solano detailed that the total amount of materials recycled in 2022 was 1 million 682,000 tons and the most recycled material in the country continues to be LBP and HBP, which together represent 47%, followed by PET, with 27% of the total.

Another noteworthy fact is the growth of post-consumer material. He specified that, according to the study, 78% of the companies obtain part or all of their inputs from this material.

"The growth of companies dedicated to this activity shows the interest and confidence in growth for the coming years, given the legislative initiatives in the process of approval and environmental legislation"

He stated that recycling has shown to be one of the most appropriate solutions for the treatment of plastic waste, technification, professionalization and innovation will help position this industry as one of the pillars of the circular economy in the country for the following years.

Carolina Aponte, Vice President of the Recyclers Section of Anipac, explained that this field study aims to obtain information on the plastics recycling industry in the country.