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Mexico's interoceanic corridor foresees growth of industry in southern Mexico

CIIT's economic development plan includes the construction of 10 industrial parks to attract investment from 11 industrial segments: electrical and electronics, semiconductors, automotive, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, agribusiness, power generation and distribution equipment, prioritizing clean energy, machinery and equipment, information technology, metals and petrochemicals.

Its intention is to move 1.4 million containers per year through the CIIT. For this purpose, the federal government announced that companies that set up in these industrial parks will receive a 100% income tax reduction for three years and up to 90% in the following three years, subject to a certain number of jobs created. In addition to the exemption of Value Added Tax on domestic operations for four years. 

The Secretary of Economic Development of Oaxaca, Raul Ruiz, indicated that this Corridor integrates four maritime ports, as well as 1,000 km of railroads, which also include the development of multimodal transportation. He emphasized that the CIIT is an economic development project and not an infrastructure project, since it will generate an ecosystem around employment parks, housing, commerce, schools, among other aspects. 

Carlos Sedano, in charge of the Investment Unit for the Development of the Interoceanic Corridor, said that 7 of 10 industrial parks have already been tendered by the private sector with tax incentives so that companies that invest can be sure that they will not have any problems of any kind. 

"In the ports, the bidding for the two multi-purpose terminals with a capacity of 75,000 containers, or 150,000 containers per month, resulting in approximately 1.5 million containers per year. The other three industrial parks are under development to start receiving tenants. We need to have the last mile, gas, water, electricity and connectivity, this will be provided by the developer who has the concession. 

Regarding security, Sedano informed that there will be 3,000 Navy and 2,000 National Guard elements operating at the CIIT.