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C2 Conferene Montreal
The 2018 edition of the C2 conference will be held in Montreal, QC, May 23-25. The event attracts more than 6 thousand participants from different countries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, including representatives from business, industry, media, opinion leaders, and decision makers The success of the event is due, in part, to an innovative format that offers high-level content (seminars, presentations, demonstrations, exhibits), networking opportunities in an open, interactive, and multimedia manner, and in part, to the organizers' ability to engage prominent speakers and partners such as Microsoft, GE, Google, EY, Michelin, Cirque du Soleil, and many others.
C2 was named Most Innovative Conference by AdWeek and listed among the must-attend events by international publications such as The Economist and Harvard Business Review.
The theme of C2 2018 is "Transformative Collision" or the intersection of commerce and creativity from which innovation springs and with it the most ingenious solutions to the most pressing issues of our time.
ICE Agency + Machines Italia Canada are proposing to participate in the Montreal event, as a sponsor, to bring to the forefront the role of innovation and creativity of Made in Italy in the world. The sponsorship will allow to include in the program schedule prestigious speakers from Italian design, fashion, gastronomy, industry and involve the most renowned Italian companies present in the country, as homegrown brand ambassadors: Lamborghini Canada, Mapei, Italcementi, Luxottica, Ferrero, etc.
Participation in C2 offers the opportunity to promote to promote Italian offerings across the board, from the perspective of technologies and topical issues.For more information on the initiative, please contact info [at] (subject: Machines Italia E-newsletter)