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Canadian Manufacturers Outlook 2017
Machines Italia collaborated on the Canadian Manufacturers' Outlook 2017 report, which was presented and discussed in advance at an editorial roundtable, held on October 22, 2016 at the editorial office of Plant magazine.
The report has been compiled, for more than 10 years, based on a survey to approximately 600 Canadian manufacturing decision makers and provides insight into Canada's economy and the issues facing Canadian manufacturers and exporters. The information in the report is used by analysts and decision makers to formulate forecasts, set strategies and policies for action in Canada's manufacturing sector.
The 2017 survey shows that more than half of the respondents expect future prospects (turnover and orders) to improve and 42% expect profits to increase, for the period 2017 - 2020. In addition, 60% of the sample expects to purchase machinery and equipment in the next 4 years with an average investment of $100,000.
The panel of experts called to comment on the findings of the report shared a general optimistic mood. The panel included executives from companies in the sector, representatives of trade associations and the spokesperson for the Machines Italia project, Sandra Di Carlo.
The round table was also attended by a pool of editors from leading industry publications of the Annex Business Media publishing group, including Joe Terrett, editor-in-chief of Plant Magazine, Joe Thompson, editor of Canadian Machinery and Metalworking and Coatings Magazine, George Guidoni, editor of Canadian Packaging.
The report with comments that emerged from the round table was distributed to more than 50,000 Canadian manufacturing companies and summary articles and press releases published in each of the 18 Annex group magazines. Logo and Coordinating Machines Italia were featured in the report as an official partner.
The full version of Manufacturers Outlook 2017 is available in the publications section of the Machines Italia portal and on the Plant magazine website.
For more information about the initiative, please contact info [at] (subject: Machines Italia E-newsletter)