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EMO Milan - The Magical World of Metalworking
From Oct. 4 to 9, 2021, Milan will host EMO, the world's largest machine tool exhibition with 1,600 exhibitors, 120,000 square meters of floor space, 155,000 visitors from 120 countries. The Milan event is organized by Italy's UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE on behalf of CECIMO, the European association of machine tool industries.

Last September 23, 2020, EMO Milan 2021 was officially announced to North America through a virtual press conference EMO MILAN 2021 UPDATE @ IMTS SPARK at which Doug Woods - President of the Association for Manufacturing Technology - AMT, . Marco Saladini - Trade Commissioner at the Italian Trade Agency Chicago, USA office, and Luigi Galdabini - General Commissioner of EMO Milan 2021, explained to the media and industry professionals why EMO is "the must-attend 2021 event" for global manufacturers to discover the technological innovations that will determine the future of manufacturing by illustrating its ongoing digital transformation around the world. Galdabini also presented data on the machine tool industry in both Italy and the EU.

The footage of the virtual press conference hosted on IMTS Spark is available at
link (free registration required).

For the past few months, Machines Italia Canada, in collaboration with Canadian Metalworking and Canadian Fabricating and Welding, has been running an advertising campaign to promote the event in Canada. Watch the Watch the advertisement and promotional video in the June 2021 issue of Canadian Metalworking.

For more information about the initiative, contact chicago [at] ice. co. uk (subject: Machines Italy Newsletter) and toronto [at] (subject: Machines Italy newsletter)