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Expo Pack 2011


A total of 26,361 people visited Expo Pack 2011 during 4 days, June 21-24, 2011. Visitors from Central America increased for the second consecutive year, with groups of buyers from Guatemala, El Salvador and Costa Rica, as well as groups from the states of Puebla, Querétaro and Hidalgo. The event also saw an increase in multiple visits: 5,141 visitors visited the event more than once, 68% more than in 2010.

Expo Pack Mexico, an event that for 26 years has focused on strengthening the sector by offering machinery, control systems and raw materials for the production of packaging and packaging processes, in 2011 once again targeted not only large companies but also small and medium-sized enterprises -which make up 87% of the fair's attendees-, which it guides and provides with financing and business opportunities worldwide.

Therefore, SMEs, which generate 80% of Mexico's gross domestic product, found at Expo Pack Mexico 2011 a variety of technological options for different scale needs and learned about the technologies with which large companies, also present at the fair, carry out their production cycle, understanding and being part of the moment the industry is going through.

Thus, along with the good figures that the study will surely present, there is the behavior of the Mexican packaging industry, which in 2010 generated USD$9,500 million and 300,000 tons more than in 2009; which currently employs 68 thousand people directly and 360 thousand indirectly; which represents 8.5 of Mexico's manufacturing GDP; and which is estimated.

Food Processing grows in Expo-Pack, ontheother hand, the growth of Expo Pack in the field of food processing, currently strategic for PMMI, is a complement that has been working since the events held in Las Vegas and Chicago, which have a processing area now adapted in Mexico as a pavilion.

Other sectors that make up the packaging industry in Mexico are pharmaceuticals (12%), personal care (10%) and the automotive, chemical, electronics, textile and petrochemical industries.

In the end, after the success of Expo Pack 2011, where 113 prizes were awarded by the AMEE as part of the "Envases Estelares" contest, it only remains to wait for the next edition, to be held at the Centro Banamex in Mexico City from June 26 to 29, 2012.