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Italian Pavillion AT Maker Faire Bay Area
As part of the Plan for the Extraordinary Promotion of Made in Italy and Measures for the Attraction of Investments ICE Agency is organizing an Italian collective at the Bay Area Maker Faire.
The Faire will be held May 18-20, 2018 at the San Mateo Event Center and is the most important international initiative for the maker scene from around the world.
The area booked for the Italian collective will have a total area of about 75 square meters. For exhibitors, participation is free of charge, ICE Agenzia will bear the costs for rent and set-up of the area, communication actions and some services at the Fair.
On the day following the closing of the fair, it is also planned to organize an event to support Italian exhibitors, aimed at getting to know the U.S. market and establishing direct contacts with possible investors and/or partners.
Deadline for applications: February 8, 2018.

For more information on the initiative please consult the participation modalities and/or contact info [at] (subject: Machines Italia E-newsletter)