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Machines Italia @ Makers Faire 2015
The Machines Italia USA Desk in Chicago, organized the third Italian participation in Makers Faire 2015, an exhibition dedicated to additive manufacturing and 3D printing technology, which took place in New York City from September 26 to 27, 2015. This was an important intervention by ICE - Agency and Machines Italia in favor of this new "sector" straddling industry and craftsmanship that is destined to revolutionize the North American and global manufacturing landscape. The fair spans 6 pavilions dedicated to electronics, 3D printing, advanced manufacturing, robotics, education, and research/science. The last edition in 2014 attracted more than 90,000 visitors and featured 700 exhibitors. Through its institutional presence at Makers Faire 2015, ICE- Agenzia/Machines Italia intends to offer assistance to Italian companies, research centers and makers and to accentuate the visibility of our country. In particular, ICE- Agenzia/Machines Italia continues to enhance the links between the "technological" and "social" aspects of innovation, emphasizing the Italian contribution to the world of makers. More information on this initiative can be found at