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Sustainable plastic machinery

MEXICO CITY - The plastics industry, in its transformation, is becoming sustainable, because previously the sector's equipment spent a lot of energy, which came to represent up to 30% of its cost, but this has been reduced thanks to the arrival of fourth-generation machines that have been designed to save energy, said Jose Navarro, General Manager at E.J. Krause Mexico.

"They have changed hydraulic equipment that require maintaining an adequate level of pressure to move the molds, which are very heavy elements, for electric systems that are assisted by motors, which makes operations much faster and consume energy only when moving the mold, they do not have to consume energy by having a high pressure system constantly," said Navarro.

These machines will be presented at Plastimagen, one of the most important business forums for the plastics industry in Mexico, an event which is expected to close business for 120 million dollars, according to estimates by the National Association of the Plastics Industry (Anipac).

In an interview for Manufactura, José Navarro, assured that the suppliers of this machinery are growing 20% annually, even much more than what the industry is growing (around 8%), which has to do with the preparation of the sector to meet the coming demand.

It is estimated that the technology is coming from countries that promote plastics technology, such is the case of Italy -which with a 700-meter pavilion at Plastimagen- will have fourth-generation machines. However, there will also be Japanese and German machines.

In the case of Mexico, there are companies that develop technology, although to a lesser extent, "there are Mexican extruders of good quality and good price, although the development industry of capital goods and production goods has been lost a lot. However, there are still some companies that manufacture technology and are making imports and exports, such as the case of the Beutelspacher company that develops plastic transformation technology.


By: Valentina González Yáñez