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Mexico: the footwear industry is emerging from the tunnel

In Mexico, the footwear industry in Guanajuato is emerging from the tunnel. Figures from the shoe district association of this Mexican state show that in January, companies in the sector hired 8,000 employees. That is exactly half of the jobs that were lost at the height of the pandemic. The trend is increasing. According to the management of this institution, the demand for labor from companies currently exceeds the supply coming from workers, so the recovery of the sector should continue.

Employment in the labor market.

The Chamber's executive president, Alejandro Gómez Tamez, explained to the newspaper Milenio that the sector is "in a process of recovery, both in the labor market and in the factories". According to the data, in January 2022, footwear companies in this Mexican state recovered 8,000 of the 15,000 jobs lost at the most critical moment of the pandemic. "We therefore registered a real loss, at this moment, of 7,000 jobs" -added Gómez Tamez- "but there is a great demand and people are not arriving".

In Guanajuato there are more than 4,300 companies in the sector: the city of León is the main producer nationwide. Here, companies manufacture 8 out of every 10 pairs of shoes made in Mexico. The search for personnel thus becomes a crucial issue for production and the economy, but also for society. For this reason, the Guanajuato Chamber has published on its website a list with all the vacancies and references to advance in the candidacy.

The search for personnel becomes a crucial issue for production and the economy, but also for society.