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Xylexpo 2018: The Future Of Wood Technology
Xylexpo, the 26th biennial world exhibition of woodworking technologies and components for the furniture industry, will be held in Milan - Fiera Milano Rho - from May 8 to 12.
Although the event, organized by Cepra, a spin-off of ACIMALL, Association of Italian Manufacturers of Woodworking Machinery and Accessories, is turning 50 years old, technology and processes are, as always, looking to the future and positive growth. All of the world's largest groups (Homag, Weinig-Holz Her, Cefla, Ima Schelling, Scm and Biesse, and others) have confirmed their participation in Xylexpo 2018, in some cases with significant increases in their booth area. A choice that convinced the organizers to open a new (4) pavilion.

Halls 1 and 3 will gather companies engaged in the production of panel processing machines and tools, surface treatment and related products, hardware, semi-finished products, and supplies; Halls 2 and 4 will feature panel and solid processing machines and tools, primary processing machines and tools, semi-finished products, and complementary accessories.

Once again this year-a theme that Xylexpo first among international trade fairs has adopted for many years-each pavilion will have a "focal point" represented by one or more of the industry's "biggies." In Hall 1 this task falls to Biesse and Barberan, while in Hall 2 there will be Scm Group. Homag and Cefla will be in Hall 3, and Ima and Weinig in Hall 4.

Xylexpo 2018 will host the third edition of the XIA-XYLEXPO INNOVATION AWARDS, an award dedicated to Innovation in four technology sections: first processing and solid processing, panel processing, tooling, and finishing.

ICE Agency and ACIMALL, are planning to organize an incoming of foreign delegates, more than 150, to Xylexpo 2018, Among the target areas Eastern Europe, North and South America, Middle East and Asia.
Also planned are 32 operators from Canada, Mexico and the U.S., whose selection will be made by the Desks in Toronto, C. of Mexico and Chicago.
For more information on the initiative, please contact info [at]