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Data | research | UCIMA | Packaging | machines | industry | italian | Production | Growth | export
Volume: #5 Summer 2018
According to data collected by the research department of UCIMA, the packaging machinery industry, one of the most dynamic Italian manufacturing sectors, recorded a solid 8.9% growth in 2017, with a turnover exceeding €7 billion (€7.19 billion). Export sales totaled €5.7 billion in 2017 (79.1% of the total production), 7.5% up from 2016. The sector continues to stand out for its strong…
Volume: #5 Summer 2018
"We have never seen so much automation and so many advanced systems in any other exhibition around the world!" This was a recurring statement in the aisles of Xylexpo 2018 – the biennial international exhibition of woodworking technology and furniture industry supplies – that was held at Fiera Milano-Rho in Milan, Italy, last May 8th to 12th. As always, the show did not disappoint attendant…
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Parma | italian | Technology | industry | barilla | processing | team | meat | cheese | Confectionery
Volume: #5 Summer 2018
The Parma area is arguably the unofficial capital of the Italian food and food technology industry and home to world  leading food companies, such as Barilla, Parmalat, and CIM and to EFSA - European Food Safety Authority.  Every 2 years Parma hosts CIBUS TEC, the leading Italian trade show for food processing equipment. Globally Parma is known for the dairy and meat processing…
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ICE | July | italian | Canada | Mexico | FEDERUNACOMA | Agricultural | machines | Production | EIMA
Volume: #5 Summer 2018
From July 11th to 15th, 20 companies from across the world were hosted by the Italian Trade Commission (Canada and Mexico) and FEDERUNACOMA, the Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation, in Italy, where they attended the EIMA Show Umbria 2018. This event, which took place in the Casalina farm, near Perugia, with its 1860 hectares and 1450 UAAs, consisted of on-site demonstrations…
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Volume: #5 Summer 2018
C2 Montreal is the annual international business conference that blends innovation, creativity, art, entertainment, high-level networking, and learning opportunities. The last edition of C2 Montreal took place at the Arsenal Contemporary Art complex in Quebec’s largest city, from May 23rd to 25th, 2018. Over the 3 immersive days, over 6 thousand executives and decision-makers from across Canada,…
Volume: #5 Summer 2018
The Ontario Export Awards – OEA – recognize the innovative approaches and unique contributions – measured in terms of export growth – of Ontario manufacturers across sectors and in all regions of the province, as well as the individuals who contribute to their success. The OEA is spearheaded by (Annex Business Media), which is one of Canada’s top sources of daily…
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outlook | PLANT | Magazine | Companies | Production | industry | Canada | Survey | Future | report
Volume: #5 Summer 2018
The Manufacturers’ Outlook is a yearly study conducted by Plant magazine and key business partners. Over 500 respondents – manufacturing industry executives from across Canada – participate in the survey by sharing their views on what has transpired over the past year and on what they expect in the near future. The replies are then analyzed and summarized in a report, which is reviewed and…
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Volume: #14 Winter 2018
Canada's total imports of machinery and technology referring to the 15 reference sectors of the Machines Italia project, increased in the first 9 months of 2017 by about 8%, compared to the same period of the previous year. Italy brings a very positive result from the point of view of Canadian imports of capital goods, registering an increase of 32.66%% (from about Euro 219 million in 2016 to…
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Volume: #14 Winter 2018
KSR International, a Canadian company specializing in vehicle sensors, control modules and pedals, has launched a CAD 6.7 million expansion program at its Ridgetown, Ontario, plant. The investment is expected to create 40 new jobs and enable the company to produce a new range of products for the North American market. KSR has eight plants in North America, Europe and Asia and offices located…
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Volume: #14 Winter 2018
Inter Pipeline announced a CAD 3.5 billion investment to build a petrochemical plant in Strathcona County, Alberta. The new Heartland Petrochemical Complex will convert propane gas (22 thousand barrels per day), extracted from fields in the Canadian province (Redwater Olefinic Fractionator), into plastic polymers (PP and PHD), (more than 500 thousand tons per year), destined for the North…