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Volume: #13 Spring 2017
Total Canadian imports of machinery and technology referred to the 15 sectors of the Machines Italia project, decreased in 2016 by 7.46% compared to the previous year. Italy closes 2016 with a positive result from the point of view of Canadian imports of capital goods, registering an increase of 6.39% (from around €288 million, in 2015 to €306 million, in 2016). Our country's market share also…
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Volume: #13 Spring 2017
With an investment of USD 22 million, Certus Automotive, which specializes in the production of chrome-plated plastic (injection) parts and components for automobiles, has kicked off production operations in Mexico with a plant located in the state of Querétaro. With this investment, the Canadian company, which has 12 plants in the Americas, Asia and Europe, has created 350 new jobs in Mexico.
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Volume: #13 Spring 2017
Ternium México, one of the two major steel producers in Mexico, recently announced the investment of USD 260 million to complete two new production lines for high-end galvanized steel blades intended, primarily, for the US automotive sector. The site for the new lines was thus strategically chosen in the state of Nuevo Léon, on the U.S. border.
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Volume: #13 Spring 2017
Oil giant ExxonMobil is about to invest USD 300 million, over the next 10 years, to establish a network of gas stations in Mexico. The decision follows the reform of the energy sector, launched by the central government in 2013, which liberalized the same and allowed large groups and private companies, such as Exxonmobil, to play a greater role in the production and wholesale and retail sale of…
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Volume: #13 Spring 2017
In the first quarter of 2017, Mexico exported USD 11 thousand million worth of automotive parts and components to the United States, up 3 percent from the same period in 2016. Mexico's market share of U.S. imports in the sector almost reached 40 percent. Mexico remains the top U.S. partner in the automotive supply chain, followed by Canada, with 12 percent of the market, China, with 11.3 percent…
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Volume: #13 Spring 2017
Siliconature SpA a manufacturer of siliconized and treated films for special applications, from Godega di Sant'Urbano in the province of Treviso, has decided to invest in the United States, for its first plant on American soil and has chosen Kenwood, a suburb of Grand Rapids, Michigan. The investment, worth $26 million, will create 26 new jobs. To facilitate the project, the Michigan Economic…
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Volume: #13 Spring 2017
The Roboze Group, a Bari-based company of industrial techno-polymer 3D printers for cutting-edge applications, recently opened a sales office in New York. The opening of the new office is in line with the company's strategic plan of international expansion and aims to provide safe and reliable solutions that meet demands. Roboze Inc is located at on prestigious Madison Avenue in downtown New York…
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Volume: #13 Spring 2017
Riello UPS, a division of the Riello Elettronica Group specializing in electronics, networking and IP telephony technologies, announced in February the opening of its first branch office in the United States. The Riello UPS headquarters in the U.S. will be located in West Chester, near Cincinnati, Ohio. The facility will have a total floor area of as much as 10,000 square feet and will house the…
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Volume: #13 Spring 2017
Irving Shipbuilding, one of North America's leading shipyards, based in Halifax, NS, has begun recruiting workers-skilled technicians and engineers-abroad and has done so starting in Genoa, Italy. Last May 8, it started its recruitment road trip in the Ligurian capital, which will then continue to Spain and Poland. The increased workforce, along with a $360 million investment in shipbuilding…
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Volume: #13 Spring 2017
The Canadian federal government has created a $54 million fund to support research and innovation in the country's aerospace sector and in particular to foster the development of technologies, materials, systems and components for the next generation of aircraft. The fund will be managed by a consortium of 15 companies and research institutions in the country, headed by Bombardier Inc. The…