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At least 15 automotive companies plan to reinvest in Querétaro: Automotive Cluster

The automotive industry in Queretaro expects to maintain the pace of investment by auto parts manufacturers, who, during 2021, exceeded the amount of investment recorded before the pandemic, anticipated Renato Villaseñor Mendoza, president of the Automotive Cluster of Queretaro.

Data from the Ministry of Economy refer that, from January to September 2021, foreign direct investment in Queretaro, in the manufacture of parts for automotive vehicles, totaled 234.2 million dollars, an increase of 140% in relation to the same period of 2020 (97.6 million dollars) and 38.9% compared to the respective period of 2019 (168.6 million dollars).

The optimism of the local industry to maintain this trend rests on the interest of at least 15 companies associated with the Querétaro Automotive Cluster to reinvest in the state to expand their operations, anticipated Villaseñor Mendoza, as well as the analysis of other companies that see Querétaro with potential to install new locations.

"I am already aware of at least five companies that are analyzing the feasibility of coming to install their operations here, in the state, to produce and be part of the auto parts supply chain," said the leader of the local automotive sector in an interview.

These investments and reinvestments are a consequence of the growing demand for supplies anticipated in the region, since the Mexico-U.S.-Canada Agreement (T-MEC) went into effect (July 1, 2020), which requires an increase in regional content (from 62.5% to 75%, gradually) for automobiles manufactured in North America.

The Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC), which requires an increase in regional content (from 62.5 to 75%) for automobiles manufactured in North America.

"Let's remember that since the T-MEC came into force, in July it will be two years, and every year the level of regional content is increasing. So, all companies are already looking for ways to make, within their plans, adjustments so that the supply chain complies with this regional content value", explained the interviewee.



Renato Villaseñor pointed out that the companies that are investing in Queretaro are producers of diverse components and offer varied services; however, they have noticed interest from companies linked to technology and supply for semiconductor manufacturers to settle in the state

"We are aware that there are companies that are looking to consolidate this supply chain, but it is not only the manufacture of chips, it is the programming, it is a series of situations that are parallel to everything that is the manufacture of semiconductors where they are turning to see Queretaro".

In this sense, he highlighted the joint work that the triple helix has generated in the state, in which companies, academia and government join forces to keep educational programs updated, generate prepared talent and maintain various fronts ready to facilitate the arrival of new automotive investments.

"What continues to consolidate Queretaro is that ecosystem that has been formed, that ecosystem where academia, government and industry are working day by day to really be those facilitators so that the actions we need are installed in Queretaro, adjustments, good links with universities, adaptation of curricula, generation of infrastructure, all that is being generated around that ecosystem that distinguishes us today," he concluded.