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The use of artificial intelligence, key to SME competitiveness

The use of Artificial Intelligence has skyrocketed in recent months and has triggered a conversation about the applications of this technology for businesses and whether it is possible for SMEs to have access to this type of tools.

In a survey conducted by Microsoft, 41% of Mexican SMEs adopted some use of technology as a result of the pandemic, while 83% considered that the adoption of new technologies is essential for the strengthening and growth of their business.

During the workshop "The power of AI to detonate the evolution of SMEs" held by the Centro de Competitividad de México (CCMX) and NTechnology, David Adissi, director and CEO of NTechnology highlighted that the only tool that will be able to allow us to improve as a society and solve the challenges we face, is technology.

"Approaching technology from a perspective of inclusion will help us to have a technological evolution in all sectors and areas of our lives. In this sense, SMEs are the engine of society, as they are the ones that move Mexico and for them the implementation of AI or digital tools should not be considered an expense, but a saving by making processes more efficient, which in time become savings."

For his part, Edgar Valdéz, director of Artificial Intelligence at NTechnology, stressed that AI allows companies to have the possibility to transform or grow vertically according to their needs. And he commented that the use of neural networks are what allow AI to help evolve new products and services.

"An example of neural networks is in restaurants and technological optimization, in order to attract more customers companies could build an application that the consumer to scan it provides the calculation of calories being consumed or when taking a picture can identify their tastes and facilitate the service".

In Mexico alone, according to the latest Business Demographics Study (EDN) 2021, SMEs represent 98.1% of the total number of businesses in the country, around 4 million establishments; they contribute close to 52% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and generate more than 70% of jobs nationwide.

In addition to these issues, David Alatorre, Director of Communication and Strategy at N.Technology, highlighted the importance of changing the concept of digital transformation to "digital transversalization", since the latter means connecting the promises of digital evolution with far-reaching social impacts.

"Digital mainstreaming should be understood as the process of embracing digital evolution as a lever to solve multidimensional problems and, at the same time, advance society through technology."

Through these workshops aimed at SMEs, NTechnolgy and the CCMX seek to raise awareness about the importance of adopting new digital and AI tools in the processes of SMEs and new ventures that arise in the coming years, in addition to highlighting that the use of AI is an enabler for improving processes, services and use of company data.
Source: Mexico Industry