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According to La Cámara Nacional el Hierro y el Acero (Canacero) Mexico ranked 15th as a world producer of crude steel in 2021 and generated 672,000 direct and indirect jobs, with an investment of $14,461 mdd in the last 10 years, that is, from 2012 to 2021. A total of 18.5 million tons of crude steel were produced in 2021, a figure that represented a reduction of -8.3% compared to the record…
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industrial | Technology nearshoring
The report presents the industrial sectors that have the highest growth potential due to Nearshoring in a 3 to 5 year timeframe. "It is important to mention that we did not explicitly include construction and real estate (industrial parks) even though they are also likely to be among the main beneficiaries, as well as what could be observed in transportation, warehousing, logistics and a myriad…
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Among the many examples of Mexico's success in the positioning and arrival of new industries are the country's leading positions in the production of household appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, gas stoves, heaters, vacuum cleaners, among others that are marketed internationally. In the same rank is the manufacture of compression refrigerators, gas stoves and…
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The plant of more than 33,500 square meters will employ approximately 1,500 people and will manufacture automotive seating structures, instrument panels and center consoles. The new facility features bioclimatic principles to optimize energy efficiency, which will further the Group's commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. The 33,500-square-meter plant will employ approximately 1,500…
Omar Lopez, general director of theMexican Association of Additive Manufacturing and 3D (AMMA3D), commented that "One of the great benefits of additive manufacturing is that it allows companies to give quick answers, because in the design cycle from conceptualization, design and validation of prototypes or final products the time is reduced from months to days." "In Mexico this has been a boom…
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The Ministry of Sustainable Development (SEDESU) reports that, according to information from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), during 2022 the manufacturing industry accumulated a total of 465 thousand 351 million pesos, a figure that represents an increase of 14.2 percent, compared to what was obtained in 2021. The manufacture of transportation equipment was the…
And it is with great pleasure that I present the first issue of the electronic e-newsletter dedicated to the industry of capital goods, produced by the ICE Agency in cooperation with Federmacchine, as part of the of the "Machines Italia" Project (to download the Project brochure: click here) This newsletter aims to make Italian companies better acquainted with the initiatives of the machines…
 Industry Spotlight: Italian Textile Machinery Italian production and exports of textile machinery increased by more than 10% in 2022, compared to the previous year. The production value exceeded 2.6 billion euro (source: Alex zucchi, President of ACIMIT, preliminary figures, 2022). Of this value, 87%, or around 2.3 billion euro, was realized abroad. "The Italian textile…
Industry Spotlight: Construction and Earthmoving Machinery  According to statistics released by Unacea, the Italian trade association of construction equipment, road machinery and equipment declines by 10%. In the 12 months of 2022, 25,923 construction machines were placed on the Italian market, increases 18% from 2021. Graphics and stats source: UNACEA
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Scientists have Discovered how the Romans made Self-Healing Concrete, a reason why the colosseum and pantheon are still impeccably standing An unexpected and sustainable ancient manufacturing strategy may hold the key to designing concrete that could last for millennia. The ancient Romans were masters of engineering, constructing vast networks of roads, aqueducts, ports, and…