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The Italian Trade Agency Office in Mexico City hands out the Italian Plastic Technology Award and the Italian Packaging Technology Award. The project aims to create a link between graduates and undergraduates in engineering programs at leading Mexican universities, and to increase their awareness of leading technology and solutions available in Italian plastics and packaging machinery.
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Assocomaplast, the Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery and moulds manufacturers’ association, and Machines Italia Mexico will be organizing an Italian pavilion at the upcoming PLASTIMAGEN MEXICO – Latin America’s largest plastic industry trade show that is taking place in Mexico City, from March 8 to 11, 2016.
Machines Italia NAFTA will be one of the presenters during the June 11th Conference / Seminar entitled Business in the US: Do Right, Do It Now held onsite during the Italian Packaging Machinery Show:
Given the growth of the aerospace industry, manufacturers of industrial buildings for maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) have new projects in the pipeline; specifically at the Queretaro state airport, where Bombardier and Kuo Aerospace, General Electric (GE), Sames (Snecma America Engine Services), among other companies, are located.
The company's president, Lutz Bertling, said that Eurocopter Mexico's High-Tech Aeronautical Components Production Center will cover 12,000 square meters, where it will manufacture doors for Airbus aircraft, as well as tail booms for its Ecureuil AS 350 helicopter.
This January 2013, in Hannover, Germany the signing of a business agreement took place between Deutsche Messe AG and Ipack-Ima Spa for the creation of the new exhibition INTRALOGISTICA ITALIA 2015, planned for May 19-23, 2015 at the FieraMilano exhibition center in Rho.
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machines | Italy | Canada | Machines Italy
Machines Italia - Canada 15sec spot Feb 2010