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On June 18 and 19th, 2024, the Machines Italia Canada team attended Collision Conference, North America's fastest-growing technology conference, hosted in Toronto, Canada.Italy is renowned for innovative design, style, the superior craftsmanship of its consumer goods, the authentic flavours of its food and wines, the beauty of its landscapes and works of art. These remarkable achievements…
Italy is renowned for innovative design, style, the superior craftsmanship of its consumer goods, the authentic flavours of its food, the beauty of its landscapes and works of art. These remarkable achievements stem from a long standing tradition of ingenuity and entrepreneurship that is embodied by a network of tens of thousands of small and medium sized companies scattered across the country.…
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#nearshoring #industrialparks
The nearshoring phenomenon has strengthened the commercial relationship between Mexico and the United States, reconfiguring the industrial and commercial markets. This process has boosted the growth of industrial parks in Mexico from 273 in 2019 to 460 by the end of 2023, representing a 70% increase in just four years. This accelerated growth implies a higher demand for energy, which…
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The National Auto Parts Industry (INA) announced in its press conference that the production of auto parts in the country strengthened during the first quarter of the year, reaching a total of 31,194 million dollars, which represented a growth of 8% compared to the same period of the previous year.The association also noted that in March 2024, Mexico surpassed the figure of US$10.5 billion in…
The economic prospects of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico for the current year point to interesting opportunities for Italian machinery manufacturers. In fact, OECD1 forecasts indicate, for 2024, GDP growth of 2.1 percent in the US, 0.9 percent in Canada and 2.5 percent in Mexico. In addition, slowing inflation, in these countries, will allow for a reduction in monetary tightening and interest rates…
The construction sector has shown great progress so far in 2024, being favored mainly by civil engineering works, followed by building works, and in third place by specialized works.There has been a notable increase in the demand for infrastructure, mainly energy, industrial buildings and parks, storage warehouses, and distribution or logistics points in the country, greatly favoring the…
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#Cibersecurity #Manufacturing
In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity has become an unavoidable priority for organizations. With cyber-attacks on the rise in a complex threat landscape, an organization must respond quickly and be prepared to act in all situations. Proofpoint's Data Loss Landscape 2024 report statistic revealed that 85% of organizations will experience at least one data leakage incident in 2023,…
Machines Italia is pleased to report our attendance at FABTECH Expo 2024 in Toronto on June 12, 2024.We had the opportunity to participate in this prestigious event, where we showcased the synergy between Italian ingenuity and Canadian machinery expertise.At our exhibit, we highlighted leading Italian manufacturers like GASPARINI S.p.A., Manzelli by Liftstyle Srl, DAVI, alongside showcasing the…
According to the Ministry of Economy, in the first five months of 2024, 127 investment announcements have been made in Mexico by foreign companies, generating a total expectation of 39.157 billion dollars.Fifty-one percent of the announcements were made by companies with capital of U.S. origin; followed by Germany, with 14%, and Argentina, with 11%. Eighty-seven percent of the total amount…
In Messico, il mercato delle macchine per il packaging è estremamente dinamico e in forte sviluppo.Tra i fattori determinanti di questa tendenza vi sono l'aumento della domanda di prodotti confezionati, che porta a un incremento della capacità produttiva, e la spinta verso l'automazione dei processi di produzione e confezionamento e la digitalizzazione, al fine di ridurre i costi e aumentare la…